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What did the legal community enjoy in 2019?

The next year is coming to an end - and for us it is an opportunity to amuse readers a little again 😉 We will post about some curiosities of the legal world on our pages and in our FB group. And today we decided to gather everyone in one article. So, we continue our annual tradition - to compile the TOP discoveries that happened to the Bargen'a team in 2019.

Fantastic story

Oh people and quarrel sometimes! But ordinary words are sometimes not enough, so especially ingenious French writers are mentioned in fights 🙂 and then lawyers in the courts prove who really meant what and what


Corruption in anti-corruption bodies

What is the moral here, when the "head of the moral police department" is caught taking bribes? And what is this "corruption committee of the Kyiv City State Administration"? Regular moralists and anti-corruption activists became the heroes of Ukrainian Pravda's headlines. The main thing is to choose a good photo for the news)


Become a FOP in 2 hours 36 minutes

What will make you an entrepreneur in 2 hours? State Labor Inspection! After the visit of the inspector of the State Labor Inspectorate to the Kaniv city market, a person who traded from trays and was just preparing to become an entrepreneur, instantly registered as a self-employed person in a record 2 hours and 36 minutes!  



Dating sites do not lead to good

First you find love on a dating site and start living together. Then he will "clean" your apartment and pick up the phone. Then - 1.5 months will threaten, throw eggs at the apartment, congratulate on his birthday, give a phone and apologize. And then he will take her phone and transfer UAH 10,000 from her Monobank card 🙂 Be careful!




Russian television mental disorders

In one court decision, we found the real reason for the shutdown of Russian television in Ukraine.



Symbolism in justice

What is symbolism? This is when the Dzerzhinsky District Court rules for the use of communist symbols. Also near the mall. Wearing a T-shirt - get a year of restraint of liberty - this is a court decision.



Good mood and fun in 2020!


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Happy New Year!


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