If you are the owner of a restaurant, shop, barber shop or other public place where people come, then you need to take care of the music that plays in your room.
The Law on Copyright and Related Rights stipulates that public performance of music may be carried out only with the permission of the author. However, this does not mean that in order to include a new hit by Justin Bieber in your cafe, you need to go to the United States and sign a contract with him.
The law stipulates that music rights holders may transfer control of their music rights to collective management organizations. In Ukraine, in order to legally turn on music in your institution, you need to sign an agreement with the Ukrainian League of Copyright and Related Rights.
This organization must receive funds from businesses that use music in their activities, and then transfer funds to the owners of musical works (royalties).
If you do not sign a contract with this organization or directly with the owner of the song, you may be sued for the use of musical works without permission. It can be some tens or even some hundreds of thousands of hryvnias.