On August 1, changes to the form and content of settlement documents came into force
From August 1, 2021, new requirements for the form and content of settlement documents, which are formed by registrars of settlement operations in the field of trade, catering and services, came into force.
Thus, the following information must be displayed in the RRO / PRRO checks:
- name of the business entity;
- transaction currency;
- name of the payment system;
- QR code (if available).
If there is a QR-code in the fiscal check, it must contain the following mandatory information:
- the message authentication code (MAC) of this check;
2. date and time of settlement operations;
3. fiscal number of the cashier's check / fiscal number of the electronic cashier's check within the change;
4. the amount of the settlement operation;
5. fiscal number RRO / PRRO, on which it is formed.
The Law "On Payment Services" came into force
On August 1, the Law № 1591-IX "On Payment Services" came into force.
The law is aimed at modernizing the payment services market and will promote the introduction of innovations in the financial sector of Ukraine.
The law establishes an exclusive list of payment services and the procedure for their provision, determines the categories of payment service providers, general principles of issuance and use of electronic money and digital money of the National Bank in Ukraine, etc.
The law enters into force 12 months after its entry into force, with the exception of some articles.
The law on paperless regime has been adopted
On August 7, the Law “On Peculiarities of Providing Public (Electronic) Public Services” № 1689-IX was published, which was adopted by the Parliament on July 15. The law will enter into force three months after its publication.
Due to this law, public service providers in Ukraine will not be able to require paper documents, certificates and certificates, if the information is in the state registers.
If the submission of documents or information contained in information and telecommunication systems is required in order to receive a public service, including an electronic one, such documents shall not be submitted. The employee of the relevant body independently receives all the necessary information by accessing information systems or by requesting the authority that issued the document.
The adoption of such a law is a significant breakthrough in the field of digitalization of Ukraine, which, in addition to making life easier for citizens, is also aimed at minimizing the use of paper materials in the country.
The President signed laws to stimulate the development of the environmental transport sector in Ukraine
On August 11, the President of Ukraine signed two Laws: № 1660-IX and № 1661-IX, which amend the Tax and Customs Codes of Ukraine and some other legislative acts of Ukraine.
These documents are aimed at increasing the share of environmentally friendly transport in Ukraine by increasing the availability of consumers and stimulating the development of production in our country of electric vehicles, trams and subway cars, vehicles with internal combustion engines with spark ignition, operating exclusively on compressed or liquefied methane or biogas. To this end, the laws provide for the application of a number of tax benefits.
For example, until January 1, 2026, transactions on importation into Ukraine and supply on the territory of Ukraine of vehicles equipped with electric motors are exempt from value added tax.
The laws come into force on January 1, 2022.
Electronic passports are equated to paper ones
On August 23, the Law № 1368-IX “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine“ On the Unified State Demographic Register and Documents Proving Citizenship of Ukraine, Identity or Special Status ”entered into force, which was adopted by the Parliament on March 30, 2021.
Digital passports are e-passports and e-passports for travel abroad, which are formed in "Actions" at the request of the person in whose name the ID-card or biometric passport for travel abroad is issued.
Digital passports may be presented on the territory of Ukraine for identity and confirmation of citizenship, as well as for obtaining administrative and other services, except in cases of crossing the state border, entering and leaving the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.
Such passports are presented by a person instead of and without additional presentation of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad, documents on the registration number of the taxpayer's account card, on the place of residence.