Chance for pre-trial settlement of the dispute
On November 16, the Verkhovna Rada passed the Law on Mediation.
This law introduces the procedure for mediation. The essence of mediation is out-of-court settlement of the conflict with the involvement of a mediator. Mediation will be used in civil, family, labor, economic and other categories of disputes.
Mediation is used at different stages of the dispute:
- pre-trial settlement;
- in parallel with the trial;
- during the execution of a court decision.
Please note that mediation is conducted only with the consent of the parties and a qualified mediator who has undergone basic training as a mediator in Ukraine or abroad.

The Law “On Administrative Procedure” was adopted
The law regulates the relations of public authorities with individuals and legal entities regarding the consideration and resolution of administrative cases, for example, when obtaining permits.
The law gives the applicant the right to provide additional explanations if the relevant body plans to take a negative decision against the applicant.
Also, one of the innovations is the settlement of the issue of succession due to the termination of the original administrative body. A similar situation arose after the liquidation of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate, when no successor was identified.

The procedure for keeping inventory records has been introduced
On November 26, the "Procedure for keeping stock records for sole proprietors, including single tax payers" came into force.
Now all sole proprietors who use registrars of settlement operations are required to keep inventory.
Accounting is carried out by entering in the Form of inventory accounting information on the receipt and disposal of goods, except for data on sales through the registrar of settlement transactions or software registrar of settlement transactions. The form of accounting itself can be in paper form or in electronic form.
Primary documents containing information about the transactions entered in the form are mandatory appendices to such a form. If the information on the sold goods is not included in the form of accounting or there are no primary documents for such goods, then the business entities are fined in the amount of double the value of unaccounted for goods.

Annual inspection plans have been approved
The State Labor Service adopted Order No. 293 of November 29, 2021, which approved the Annual Plan for the Implementation of State Supervision Measures for 2022. The following year, the plan includes 17,413 businesses.
The State Food and Consumer Service adopted the Order of 26.11.2021 № 764, which included 23271 business entities in the Annual Plan, and the State Coinspection in accordance with the Order of 29.11.2021 №521 plans to inspect 10918 business entities.
You can check whether the company is included in the inspection plan on the inspection portal at the following link: To do this, simply enter the code of your company in the appropriate line.

Bill №5600
The Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Ensuring Balance of Budget Revenues”. Although this law has been called "anti-oligarchic", much of its provisions will affect small and medium-sized businesses.
In particular, the key changes affecting the business are:
- expanding the powers of the tax authority to collect tax debt to collect non-cash funds from bank accounts, as well as cash, without going to court;
- The State Tax Service obtains the right to apply to the court may restrict the departure of the head of the company abroad in the presence of a tax debt of more than UAH 1 million;
- creation of a register of managers of companies that do not pay taxes on time;
- sending requests for information and documents in case of suspicion of violation of tax legislation, and not in case of discovery of facts that indicate a violation.
The bill also contained many amendments to the Tax Code that will affect the procedure for tax administration. However, the final version of the bill has not been published yet, so wait for a detailed analysis of all the changes in our next publications.