
Confiscation of property of legal entities: what will change?

У 2022 році Україна розпочала процес приєднання до Організації економічного співробітництва та розвитку (ОЕСР). Важливим елементом цього є ратифікація Конвенції про боротьбу з підкупом іноземних посадових осіб. Тому… Read More »Confiscation of property of legal entities: what will change?

Order of the State Service for Food and Consumer Protection Inspector and notification of its implementation

Since the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, regulatory bodies, including the State Service for the Supervision of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, have been prohibited from conducting business inspections. However, as of today, there has been a partial resumption of scheduled inspections… Read More »Order of the State Service for Food and Consumer Protection Inspector and notification of its implementation

Inspection by the State Service for Food and Consumer Protection in the event of a reasonable suspicion of non-compliance - what is special about it?

Let's find out what is meant by reasonable suspicion and what unscheduled measures the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection can take on this basis. The Law of Ukraine "On State Control… Read More »Inspection by the State Service for Food and Consumer Protection in the event of a reasonable suspicion of non-compliance - what is special about it?

Partial renewal of planned measures of state market supervision (control) of some types of non-food products. What should you know?

During martial law, it is especially important for businesses to stay abreast of government audit developments as it affects their operations. Such inspections ensure compliance with... Read More »Partial renewal of planned measures of state market supervision (control) of some types of non-food products. What should you know?


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