Court lawyers

+38 (097) 786 53 06
+38 (095) 844 96 19
+38 (063) 482 13 33

Appeal of the will

Does the will not correspond to the will of the testator?
Professional lawyers will protect the rights of heirs in court

The will can be appealed if:

the deceased signed a will under pressure

at the time of signing the will the deceased was not aware of their actions (for example, was mentally ill)

the will does not comply with the form prescribed by law

How can we help

We will consult

We will analyze the circumstances of the case and determine the prospects for filing a lawsuit

We will prepare documents

We will make a statement of claim, other documents, we will help to form an evidence base for court

Let's defend in court

We will submit a statement of claim and other documents to the court, receive and execute the court decision

How do we work?

You leave an application and get a consultation

We choose a protection strategy and agree on working conditions

You pay for the services

We prepare documents and defend them in court

The cost of our services

The cost of our lawyers depends on the complexity of the dispute and the time you need to devote to your case

Document study and initial consultation

From 700 hryvnias

Preparation of the claim

From 4 thousand hryvnias

Defense in court

From 2 thousand hryvnias

Our lawyers

Our advantages


We start working as soon as we reach an agreement. Clients do not wait for the documents to be formally processed by a large staff of the law firm. We provide immediate results in a format convenient for the client.


The understanding that the client must pay for the lawyer's status is gradually turning into thing of the past. The high quality of services becomes more and more important than the good name of the lawyer.


Customers know what they are paying us for. We always agree on the cost of services in advance, try to understand what the client really needs and do not offer too much.

We also order

Debt collection

Termination of the contract

Bargen Law Firm

Voloska str., 2, office 1, Kyiv, 04070

mob. (067) 999 42 95

mob. (095) 451 77 10

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