Legal defence of HoReCa equipment importer in a dispute with Customs

New Project company is one of the largest importers of professional equipment for stores and restaurants. The company has already launched more than 5,000 catering and retail facilities in Ukraine.

The Kyiv customs office changed the codes of several goods imported by our client. This significantly affected the size of customs duties to be paid for imported equipment. The reason for the dispute was a sudden change of the ministry's approach to the classification of the client's goods, customizing everything lighter than 20 kg as household equipment. The customer, however, categorized the equipment based on its functional purpose. That was important since the customs office continued to use the UKTZED code not appropriate for the client, when delivering the next batch of goods. Our lawyers collected evidences, detailed and accessible analysis of various provisions of UKTZED and proved the client's point in court. All courts confirmed the illegality of the ministry's decision. Thanks to this, the client was able to save 12% of the goods value.


Bargen Law Firm

St. Shota Rustaveli, 11, office 602, Kyiv, 01001

mob. (063) 482 13 33


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