New regulations on feed safety and hygiene have been approved
On January 19, 2020, the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine №241 of May 6, 2019 “On approval of certain regulations on food safety and hygiene” came into force.
The specified order approved:
- the form of the Declaration of Conformity of Feeds to the Requirements of Feed Legislation for market operators who act exclusively as sellers and carry out only the sale of feed, without storing feed at their proper capacity;
- a list of materials, the sale and use of which for the needs of animal feeding are restricted or prohibited;
- requirements for information on the peculiarities of the composition of feed material (mandatory declaration);
- requirements for information on the peculiarities of the composition of the feed mixture (mandatory declaration);
- requirements for the labeling of feed additives in feed materials and feed mixtures for productive and non-productive animals, as well as requirements for the indication in the labeling of moisture content in feed;
- the procedure for labeling feed intended for animals kept for scientific and experimental purposes;
- permissible deviations between the values of the composition of the feed material and / or feed mixture indicated in the labeling and the values established during the implementation of state control;
- additional requirements for labeling of feed additives and premixes;
- the procedure for forming and maintaining the State Register of feed production and circulation facilities.
Simultaneously with the order, some of the above regulations came into force, in particular:
- the form of the Declaration of conformity of forages;
- a list of materials, the sale and use of which for the needs of animal feeding are restricted or prohibited;
- the procedure for forming and maintaining the State Register of feed production and circulation facilities.
All other normative legal acts approved by the specified order come into force on 19.01.2021.
Lawyer's comment:
If your company is a market operator in the field production, circulation and use of feed, we recommend that you read the regulations in force since 19.01.2020 and use in your activities new forms of declarations and labeling.
The schedule of reduction of export duties has been updated
Ukraine is a party to many free trade agreements, which provide for either the complete absence or gradual annual reduction of import and export (export) duties.
That is, if the goods originate in a State party to such an agreement, when importing or exporting goods from the country concerned, preferential duty rates are applied provided that the origin of such goods is confirmed.
The State Migration Service of Ukraine has published (letter №8011730 / 16-01-01-19 dated 20.12.2019) updated schedules for reducing import and export duties, which will help business entities to calculate duty rates for the import of goods to a country party to the agreement .
Lawyer's comment:
If your company exports or imports goods, we recommend that you read the updated schedule, because it is possible that the duty rate on your goods has decreased and this will help you, for example, to import cheaper equipment to upgrade the production base.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to increase fines for violating the requirements fire and man-made safety
According to the Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk, if the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves the relevant changes, the minimum fine for violating fire and man-caused safety requirements will be UAH 510, and the maximum - UAH 8,500.
Currently, this fine is from 8.5 to 119 hryvnias for citizens, and from 34 to 170 hryvnias for officials.
Oleksiy Honcharuk also noted that criminal liability is being introduced for violating the requirements of technogenic safety, which led to an accident or other dangerous event with serious consequences.
According to the Prime Minister, strengthening responsibility should increase the level of legal and civil awareness of officials and citizens, as well as reduce the number of offenses that threaten human life and health.
Lawyer's comment:
To implement such innovations, appropriate amendments should be made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine, so we are currently waiting for the publication of relevant bills and in future issues of the magazine we will inform about their movement in the Verkhovna Rada.