+38 (095) 844 96 19

Administrative corruption, declaration, NAPC:
questions and answers

We invite you to a friendly conversation with Bargen lawyers Dmitry Nikiforov and Alla Melnichenko. We want to share tips on protection in cases of corruption and administrative offenses, experience with NAPC and law enforcement.

You will learn from the materials

how to understand that the police or the NAPC are interested in you?

Hidden risks. Removal from office and dismissal

A brief overview of violations. Protection tips.

Features of consideration of cases in court

Frequently asked questions and answers

Interesting case law

Who is the webinar for?

> Civil servants

> Law enforcement and regulatory officials

> Deputies and chairmen of local councils

> Lawyers and attorneys


Dmytro Nikiforov

partner, lawyer of the law firm Bargen. Specialization: corruption administrative offenses
and protection in criminal cases. Author of 20+ thematic publications. Co-author of the bill on protection of whistleblowers' rights.

Alla Melnychenko

provides oral and written advice to the subjects of the declaration. The main practice is to resolve disputes in courts of different jurisdictions. Author of thematic articles, including on administrative offenses related to corruption.



Bargen Law Firm

Voloska str., 2, office 1, Kyiv, 04070

+38 (095) 844 96 19


© Bargen Law Firm 2018


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