Disputes with regulatory authorities

+38 (097) 786 53 06

street Voloska, 2, office 1, Kyiv

How can we help?

We will conduct an audit before the inspection

We will conduct training and train employees

We accompany the inspection

Let's appeal the result of the inspection (PPR, fine, prescription)

Let's defend in the dispute on claims of controlling bodies about the termination of work of the enterprises

Let's protect in criminal proceedings as a result of inspections


10 +
100 million UAH
100 +


Protection of the supplier of building materials in a dispute with the tax

The tax stopped the registration of 21 tax invoices of the company and actually blocked its work. Our lawyers in court overturned the decision to block tax invoices, and also provided the tax authorities with the necessary documents to prevent further blocking of invoices.

Protection of the agricultural company in a dispute with the State Labor Service for the total amount of UAH 1.2 million

According to the results of the inspection, the State Labor Service imposed a fine on the company in the amount of UAH 1.2 million. for undocumented workers. Our lawyers proved in court that the State Labor Inspectorate violated the inspection procedure, and therefore the decision to impose a fine was illegal.

Protection of an importer of oil products in a dispute with the Energy Customs in the amount of UAH 7 million

Customs changed the UKTZED code and classified the client's diesel fuel according to Euro 3. Our lawyers proved the illegality of the customs decision and that the diesel fuel complied with Euro 5. The total cost of a batch of diesel fuel was UAH 7 million.



Diana Pankiv
Diana Pankivhttps://www.facebook.com/diana.pankiv.7
A very professional team that seems to know the answers to all questions. They provide our company with systematic legal advice, have created for us all kinds of contracts, which we successfully use. We conducted workshops and trainings for us. Therefore, I am very pleased to recommend Bargen Law Firm, with which legal issues are not terrible at all :)
Tanya Mikhalchuk
Tanya Mikhalchuk https://www.facebook.com/tanya.mikhalchuk.1
I am very grateful to Bargen Law Firm for legal advice. Promptly, professionally, in clear language. Now only here with help in the legal field. I advise!
Vitaliy Rudyk
Vitaliy Rudykhttps://www.facebook.com/vrrudyk
A powerful professional team focused on results. Regular court decisions ruled in our favor are proof of that! 👍💪
Vadim Leonov
Vadim Leonovhttps://www.facebook.com/vadimleonov
Very professional and individual approach! I recommend

Bargen Law Firm

Voloska str., 2, office 1, Kyiv, 04070

mob. (097) 786 53 06


Disputes with regulatory authorities



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