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When you buy real estate, you must check the land. There are cases when there is almost no information about the land plot, but only its location is known. In this case, how to find out the owner of the land, if there is no cadastral number and address?
In fact, it's pretty simple. It should start with the fact that information about land can be found at public cadastral map. However, the plot on this map can be quickly found only by cadastral number. If you do not know the cadastral number then you will have to look for the location of the site manually. Recently, a public cadastral map has been integrated with Google maps. Therefore, if you know the location of the plot on the ground, you can find the plot by changing the scale on the map. In the map settings on the right you need to click "Layers" and enable "Google map", as well as "cadastral division".
Once you have found the required area on the map, you need to click on it. On the window that appears, you can find out the cadastral number of the land, its area and the form of ownership (communal or private). To find out information about the owner or users of the land, in the drop-down window you need to click "Information about property rights and property rights."
After that it is necessary to pass identification. This can be done with an electronic digital signature or BankID (for example, via a Privatbank card). After identification, you will receive information about the owner of the land, or users (tenant). To obtain more detailed information on the land plot (for example, the presence of arrests), you can search for the plot by cadastral number in the State Register of Real Estate Rights. You can read about how to search for information in this register here.
If you have problems, you can order a professional one inspection of the land plot before purchaseto buy it safely and without risk.