Fire protection rules approved
On April 5, 2019, the Rules on Fire Protection came into force, which were approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine № 1064 of December 26, 2018.
These Rules establish the basic requirements for the performance of works on fire protection of materials, products, building structures and verification of compliance with fire protection, as well as requirements for ensuring the serviceability of fire protection coatings (impregnation, cladding) and products.
Fire protection is carried out to reduce the fire hazard of materials and increase the fire resistance of structures and products by applying (fixing, mounting) fire retardants on the object of fire protection or directly near the object of fire protection.
The rules establish the following stages of fire protection work:
- design of works on fire-retardant treatment;
- performance of works on fire-retardant treatment;
- checking the compliance of fire protection;
- ensuring the serviceability of fire-retardant coatings (impregnations, facings, penetrations, screens);
- restoration (repair), replacement of fire protection means, repeated fire protection (processing).
Determine the rules and methods of fire protection:
- fire-retardant impregnation (deep or superficial);
- fire-retardant treatment (painting, plastering, wrapping, facing);
- fireproof filling.
Requirements for the development of regulations for fire protection, the structure of such regulations and its content.
The rules also determine the features of fire protection of the following materials:
- wood and materials based on it;
- building structures made of metal and reinforced concrete;
- electrical cables and ducts.
The rules regulate the procedure and methods of conducting inspections of compliance with fire protection. To do this, the customer creates a special commission, which checks for defects in the work performed.
In addition, the rules determine the procedure for implementing measures to maintain the appropriate technical condition of fire-retardant covers and products. It is established that in the presence of visible defects (cracking, peeling, rust, pronounced discoloration) on the area of more than 20 % surface of the flame retardant or in the presence of negative results of laboratory tests of flame retardant such flame retardant must be replaced.
Lawyer's comment:
When planning fire protection work at the enterprise, be sure to consider these rules. Also check the available flame retardants for compliance with the new rules.
The list of construction works that do not require a permit has been supplemented
On March 23, 2019, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №236 "On amendments to the list of construction works that do not require documents entitling them to perform, and after which the facility is not subject to commissioning" came into force.
The changes have significantly supplemented the existing list and now you no longer need to obtain permits, in particular, for:
- works on re-equipment and re-planning of residential and residential premises, as well as non-residential buildings, buildings, structures, premises in them, the implementation of which does not involve interference in enclosing and load-bearing structures and / or engineering systems of public use - class of consequences (responsibility) belong to objects with average (CC2) and significant (CC3) consequences (previously the list included only objects with insignificant (CC1) consequences);
- reconstruction, overhaul of internal heating systems, including the installation or replacement of equipment of individual heating stations, replacement of heating pipes, balancing of heating systems, installation of balancing valves and / or flow meters, change of heating systems from single-pipe to double-pipe and / or vertical to horizontal, installation and / or replacement of heating devices, equipment of heating devices with automatic temperature regulators in the premises, installation and replacement of distributors and other equipment for regulation and accounting of thermal energy;
- reconstruction, overhaul of internal systems: ventilation; water supply and drainage, including pipelines; power and low-current systems that ensure the functioning of buildings and structures (previously only technical re-equipment of such systems was allowed without permission);
- arrangement of fire protection systems and their components (without exceptions);
- reconstruction or technical re-equipment of electric networks with voltage not higher than 10 kV (electric network lines, transformer substations, objects of engineering and transport infrastructure);
- performance of works on thermal insulation of commissioned residential buildings (walls, roof, attic, technical, basement, basement floors), which according to the class of consequences (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant (CC1) and medium (CC2) consequences.
Lawyer's comment:
If you planned to perform any work from the list, now it's easier - no need to issue additional permits.
From April 1, there are new DBNs for building inclusiveness
On April 1, 2019, DBN B.2.2-40: 2018 “Buildings and structures. Inclusive buildings and structures. Substantive provisions".
They were developed to replace the existing DBN B.2.2-17: 2006 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for low mobility groups.
The new DBN is designed for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, mental activity and other low-mobility groups: the elderly, parents with young children, pregnant women.
The new norms not only strengthen the obligation to install elements of barrier-free, but also provide all the technical characteristics and specific illustrative examples of such implementation, taking into account foreign experience.
In particular, new design rules have been established:
- ramps, special lifts and other means of accessibility for people with musculoskeletal disorders;
- tactile and visual accessibility elements: tactile floor tiles, information tables and Braille markings, audio indicators for the visually impaired;
- other visual information, duplication of important sound information by texts, organization of sign language translation, use of sound amplification systems for people with hearing impairments.
DBN sets requirements for the entire path of a person with limited mobility: from the land adjacent to the building to the equipment of individual workplaces. Special sanitary and hygienic requirements and requirements in the field of fire safety are separately defined.
Lawyer's comment:
The new DBNs apply to the design, construction of new ones, as well as to the reconstruction, restoration, overhaul and technical re-equipment of existing public buildings and structures.
Permission for special water use online
On March 22, 2019, a new electronic service was launched in Ukraine - obtaining and revoking a permit for special water use.
This service is available on the website, as well as on the government portal in the "Electronic Services" section.
Now in electronic form it is possible both to submit documents for receiving the permission, and to receive the permission for special water use in electronic form.
Lawyer's comment:
The new service will save time and resources on obtaining a paper permit for special water use. We will remind, such permission is required to the enterprises which use more than 5 cubic meters of water a day.
Permissible noise level in the house
The Ministry of Health by order №463 of 22.02.2019 approved the State sanitary norms of permissible noise levels in the premises of residential and public buildings and in residential areas.
The requirements of these Sanitary norms establish permissible levels of noise that enters the premises of residential and public buildings from external and internal sources, and permissible levels of noise in residential areas.
These Sanitary Norms are intended to limit the intensity or duration of the dangerous factor (noise) by establishing criteria for its permissible impact on human health, as well as to prevent deterioration of the living environment in the event of noise exposure by planning and implementing noise reduction measures. levels established by these Sanitary norms.
Appendix 1 to the Sanitary Norms lists the permissible sound levels in residential and public buildings and in residential areas.
In some rooms of residential and public buildings and in residential areas, the permissible sound levels differ depending on the time of day: day (08:00 - 22:00) or night (22:00 - 8:00).
Lawyer's comment:
The new Sanitary Standards also set noise requirements in some administrative premises (eg offices). Enterprises need to take them into account when developing occupational safety measures.
DBN projects are developed
The draft amendments to DBN B.2.5-56-2014 "Fire protection systems" contain a number of modern solutions to improve fire safety, in particular, provides for the use of fire extinguishing systems with fine spray water. It is also planned to install an audible alarm about the malfunction of fire protection systems.
In the project of new DBN B.2.2-24: 20ХХ "High-rise buildings and complexes" it is planned to establish requirements concerning rigidity of steel and reinforced concrete designs for designing of frameworks of high-rise buildings.
Lawyer's comment:
If the company is planning a new construction or reconstruction of existing buildings, we recommend monitoring the adoption and implementation of these DBN to develop project documentation taking into account their provisions.
The list of Russian goods banned from import to Ukraine has been expanded
On April 10, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by its resolution expanded the list of goods originating in the Russian Federation, which are prohibited for import into Ukraine.
This ban was introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers in response to aggressive and discriminatory actions by the Russian Federation to close access to the Russian market for goods originating in Ukraine, as well as to restrict the transit of goods from Ukraine through the territory of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, the resolutions adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers, in particular, impose a ban on the import into Ukraine of the following groups of goods originating in the territory of the Russian Federation:
- formalin, urea-formaldehyde concentrate, urea-formaldehyde resins;
- springs for freight carts (cylindrical screw external, cylindrical, screw internal);
- electrical equipment for switching or protection of electrical circuits (relays) used in railway automation devices of signaling and communication facilities;
- electrical conductors for voltages above 1000 V;
- cans (sterilization jars), food and beverage bottles made of colorless glass and colored glass, other glass containers.
Lawyer's comment:
If your company has used or planned to use such products in its production chain, you need to look for a replacement.
The term of entry into force has changed Technical regulations for working devices on gaseous fuel
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has postponed the entry into force of Resolution 14814 "On Approval of the Technical Regulations for Gaseous Fuel Appliances".
The resolution was to enter into force in April 2019, however, the Cabinet of Ministers postponed this period for 9 months and the new regulations will take effect from 06.01.2020.
This Technical Regulation establishes requirements for gaseous fuel appliances and fittings.
This Technical Regulation does not apply to devices specially designed:
- for use in industrial processes carried out in industrial premises;
- for use on aircraft and railways;
- for temporary use in laboratories for research purposes.
The Technical Regulations stipulate that the placing on the market or commissioning of appliances running on gaseous fuels that meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations on appliances running on gaseous fuels, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №856 of 24.09.2008, and put into circulation by the date of entry into force of Resolution №814, may not be prohibited or restricted due to non-compliance of such devices with the requirements of the Technical Regulation approved by Resolution №814.
Lawyer's comment:
In connection with the postponement of the entry into force of Resolution №814, the production of appliances running on gaseous fuels should be guided by the requirements of Cabinet Resolution №856 of 24.09.2008.
Changes in the field of construction
On March 27, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution approving the Temporary Procedure for Implementing the Experimental Project for Assigning Addresses to Construction and Real Estate Objects.
The procedure introduces a single and transparent procedure for assigning a postal address to construction and real estate.
According to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine, it will be possible to get a construction address in five days, while now this period is on average 30 days.
The Cabinet of Ministers also simplified the registration of the declaration of readiness of the construction object for operation by expanding the functionality of the electronic office of employees of the state architectural and construction control, as well as determining the status of electronic service as an electronic office of the customer. This decision will encourage construction customers to make more use of e-government opportunities in the field of real estate registration and reduce their personal interaction with the state architectural and construction control authorities.
Lawyer's comment:
The Cabinet of Ministers has not yet published the text of these decisions, so read more detailed comments on the content of these resolutions in the following issues of the magazine.
New technical regulations on ecodesign
On April 6, 2019, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №804 “On Approval of the Technical Regulation on the Establishment of a System for Determining Requirements for Ecodesign of Energy Consumer Products” entered into force.
An ecodesign requirement is any requirement for a product or product design designed to improve its environmental performance, or any requirement to provide information on the environmental aspects of a product.
This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers is the basic one and on its basis the government will continue to develop and approve technical regulations with ecodesign requirements for certain types of equipment provided on the Ukrainian market.
In particular, Resolutions №154 and 152 of the Cabinet of Ministers have already approved the Technical Regulations on ecodesign requirements for water pumps and the Technical Regulations on ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power transformers.
Regarding the ecodesign of water pumps
This regulation establishes requirements for pumps for pumping clean water, including those installed in other products.
However, the Technical Regulation does not apply to:
- water pumps specially designed for pumping clean water at temperatures below -10 ° C or above +120 ° C, in addition to the information requirements specified in paragraphs. 11 - 13 item 3 of appendix 2;
- water pumps intended only for fire-fighting use;
- injection water pumps;
- self-priming water pumps.
The technical regulation sets the minimum values of efficiency for pumps:
- at the point of highest efficiency (BEP);
- during partial load (PL);
- during overload (OL).
It also determines the procedure for measuring such coefficients, establishes the amount of information on the characteristics of the pump that manufacturers must provide with the pumps, and sets requirements for verifying compliance of water pumps with the requirements of this regulation during state market surveillance.
Regarding the ecodesign of transformers
This Technical Regulation establishes ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power transformers with a minimum rated power of 1 kV • A used in electricity transmission and distribution networks with a frequency of 50 Hz or in industry.
The Technical Regulation does not apply to transformers that are specially designed and used for certain purposes, in particular, such as:
- low voltage winding transformers for use with rectifiers to provide DC supply;
- furnace transformers for direct connection to electric furnaces;
- transformers for emergency protection structures;
- grounding transformers to provide neutral for the purpose of grounding the system, and others.
The technical regulation defines the minimum requirements for energy efficiency or efficiency of power transformers of different types (medium, large), the requirements for information on transformers that the manufacturer must provide, as well as the requirements and content of technical documentation on power transformers.
Lawyer's comment:
All manufacturers of pumps and transformers should get acquainted with the requirements of the new Technical Regulations and bring their production in line with their requirements. Both regulations come into force in mid-September this year, so there is still time to carry out the necessary work.