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How not to receive a fine from the State Labor Service for seasonal workers?

When hiring workers for one-time work, for example, for harvesting, the employer faces the problem of their registration. It is inefficient to enroll such employees in the staff of the enterprise.

But if they are not employed, the employer faces a fine from the State Labor Service. The way out of this situation is the conclusion of civil law agreements (JRS) with such employees.

However, the presence of a JRS does not always guarantee that you will not be fined after an inspection by the regulatory body. After all, often, the State Labor Service recognizes the JRS relations as labor.

In order for the State Labor Inspectorate not to recognize the JRS relationship as labor, the contract must be properly drawn up, in particular:
the result of the work to be recorded should be clearly defined.
payment for the work should be made for this result, and not monthly or weekly.
the contract must not contain a work schedule, the work must be performed at your own risk and at a time specified by the employee.

Also, to avoid misunderstandings with the potential employee, he should explain the essence of the contractual relationship with the employer and so that he could explain them during the inspection.

More about seasonal workers and inspections of the State Labor read in our article.

If you want to prepare for the inspection, or you need to appeal the fine of the supervisory authority - leave your number and we will call you.


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